Alpha 0.5 The half-way milestone!

WE'VE HIT THE HALFWAY MILESTONE! I want to thank everybody for their continued support of Pouchie The Cat. May it be through reviews, or donations, they're all appreciated. I can now safely say that the game is now at the 50% completion mark, after over two years of development. 

With that being said, projects like these can be incredibly time-consuming, especially when there's only one developer in charge. I've been developing this game practically solo since it's inception. Only being able to work on it when I have the energy. It has been a long road, getting from there to here, and the road has often been a difficult road, as I've had to create an overwhelming majority of the assets by myself, the coding through tutorials and improvising my own code, all the levels were designed by myself... I think you get the idea. It's been a lot of hard work. 

Now I've been working on Pouchie for over two years now, and I would ideally want to not work another full two years getting the rest of it done. Which is why I've decided to make a decision to start charging for new releases of Pouchie The Cat going forward. Essentially, if the next update for example is Alpha 0.6, that version will be paywalled until Alpha 0.7 is built and released, and then Alpha 0.7 will be paywalled until Alpha 0.8, and so forth.

I'm hoping by doing things this way, as well as making a new and improved donation website that I can start getting money to help better develop this game, and possibly get started on other games as well! I have a couple of game ideas in the pipeline, one of which I'd be developing with a small team of people.  Hopefully that will be something that'll interest you guys, once we're more at a point where I can talk about that. For now though, enjoy Alpha 0.5 of Pouchie The Cat!

What's new for Alpha 0.5:

  • SHORTCUTS: There will now be shortcut exits in level 3 of both worlds, each shortcut will allow players to skip straight to the level 7 of that world instead of having to play every single level of each world.
  • MALLET UTILITY: Mobs smashed by the mallet will convert into coins, which is useful against the Fun-Guy to prevent spores from spawning. The mallet can also be used to hit cannonballs while they're still in the air. It can also press buttons!
  • FINAL LEVEL OF WORLD 2: Level 8 of World 2 has been completed and will be playable. It will introduce cannons ahead of time, and their ability to hurt mobs. If Pouchie kicks a cannonball towards an enemy, the enemy will die in a similar fashion to having been smashed by a mallet, but won’t drop a coin.
  • WORLD WARPS: There will now be icons in worlds that players can use to travel back and forth between worlds, so they no longer need to use the pause menu if they don’t feel like it.


    • Fun-Guy spore will actually hurt Pouchie
    • If Pouchie gets injured, mobs will no longer insta-die when walking in front of him
    • You can now swing Pouchie’s mallet immediately after obtaining it.
    • Pouchie will no longer take double damage when getting hit by two mobs at the same time.
    • Cannons in World 2 should no longer be able to shoot a new cannonball until the old cannonball is destroyed
    • Players will no longer be able to skip incomplete dialogue.
    • Gravity was altered to be slightly less sharp, and should result in easier management.
    • Some mob placements and level layouts have been re-touched due to odd placements.
    • Certain mob hitboxes have been changed so that Pouchie no longer gets hurt landing on the top of mobs.
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