Alpha 0.1.1 New Features and Bugfixes

What's new:

  • Added a BOSS LEVEL! His name's Boomer, and he's none too pleased with you running around causing mayhem. You need to jump on him three times to take him out, but watch out! He speeds up the more you hurt him.
  • Added Wall Jumping! From now on, when you're falling against the wall, you'll slow fall, rather than immediately fall to the ground, or worse, out of the level. When you're slow falling, you can jump against the wall to wall jump and save yourself from wherever you're falling.
  • Added music to some of the levels! Some were created using loops on Bandlab, but the main music for the level is 8-Bit Surf by David Renda. Currently, most of the music is very much placeholder as I would like to create all new music for this project in the future.
  • Added a world hub for level selecting! In anticipation of adding new levels to the game, there is now a proper world hub for going back and forth between levels, as well as a level progression feature where you must complete the first level in order to access the second, and so forth. As it currently stands, there are only two complete levels. Level 1, and the boss level.


  • When taking damage from Bootstrappers, or the boss, Pouchie will now have a grace period with Invincibility frames where he no longer takes damage and can pass through enemy mobs.
  • Health will no longer drop below zero
  • Adjusted walking and running speed to have a proper notable difference between the two, allowing the user to choose which speed works better for the task at hand.

Known Issues:

  • When you're sliding against a wall in slow fall mode, there's no easy way to leave it without wall jumping.


Pouchie The Cat Play in browser
Jun 14, 2022

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